Many of you must have search precisely a number of time over the internet to enhance the speed of your Internet Connection, due to the problems you have faced in surfing or downloading data from the internet. So, have you guys find something effective to speed it up? Well if not we can help you out. One of the method to speed up your Internet Connection by changing your Domain Name System(DNS) provided by your Internet Service Provider(ISP) to the Google Public DNS or an Open DNS.
Well for the one who don’t know what exactly these technical terms are you must careful read out the next paragraph. Domain Name System(i.e.,DNS) is a system that maintains the hierarchical naming system over the internet and translates those naming systems and the address spaces related to it using some translation services or you can say it’s a phonebook of the internet which translates Domain names/hostnames given by humans to their original IP addresses. Therefore in order to speed up their Internet connection many people are changing their default DNS provided by their ISP’s to Google Public DNS or an OpenDNS. These options has been popped out since last four years over the internet.
Now the fight is between which one is better to use for you and what are the parameters you must kept in mind before choosing your DNS for your system to make your system load faster.
Google Public DNS is a free and a global DNS that provide resolution/translation services to their users whereas, OpenDNS is a DNS that provides resolution services with some additional services such as, Phishing and Botnet Protection, Blacklist/whitelist mode and many more that will effectively enhance your experience of browsing over internet.
While comparing both the DNS, OpenDNS is much more reliable and provide better facilities when used with additional Enterprise feature provided by OpenDNS as compare to Google Public DNS. The additional features that make it different from Google Public DNS are the protection from phishing and botnet, Smart Cache, Web Content Filtering, Whitelist/Blacklist Modes, Traffic tracking and much more. OpenDNS’s Enterprise edition is much more beneficial to use that will surely make your experience much better.
One more important parameter that will definitely matter most is the location, i.e, location of the system significantly affect the speed. You must choose it carefully based on your location. OpenDNS will be more effective in the countries indicated in this map. For rest of the countries you may choose Google Public DNS or the default DNS provided by your ISP. Google code also provided an OpenDNS by the name of namebench(an open source DNS benchmark utility). This open source DNS is compatible with Windows, Mac OS X, and UNIX available in both command line and graphical user interface.