Google Science Fair – A Science Project or Next Dimension to Technology!

It is well said, that sometimes we don’t require learning our work, what all we need to do is, align ourselves, and get started. When the teacher in kindergarten, give us some big bundle of complimentary objects, I still remember, each and every desk hold a different collaboration and technique. The same applies to the world today, with so many constraints from life, it give us the power to think beyond the dimensions which the life offers us here.

The same scenario comes when young people are left free to explore the world under their sky and for such criteria’s; sky is even more than infinite to them. This article is featuring a next to amazing act by Google. The full aimed theme reciprocated in the fantastic approach to bring the minds of youth under the spot light and let them have time to showcase their thing to the world.

Google science fair is a platform where the true young aspirants compete and present their work and research to the world. The perfect library for the students to scroll down the corridors of their schools and bring the best of themselves in their project.

Since its inception, it has attracted the participation of plethora of students from across globe. Last year, there was introduction of many projects and such contribution of research proved out to be beneficial for not only students but is good for nations. Last year the compelling attack as a finalist was from a student from Australia, named Viney kumar who is an Indian, whose participation in the fair made him brought a power technique to connect GPS and mobile services and gave a product which make people aware about ERV is coming. He studied about the ERV’s and from the collected statistics he managed to provide the duration for which the signals from the ambulance should reach the nearby public. This is a good help to the survivors who wait in the hospital vans to reach hospitals and handed them a hand of protection. This is a perfect good approach of technology.

Next was by a girl who was from Istanbul and she managed to give human kind a punch of relief from pollution. She created Bio plastics to help fight against the non degradable plastics. It took her more than 2 years of research and work to bring the product out to the world and it was from wastes from fruits peel offs. Another amazing showcase was of Algorithm for safe encryption by Vinay Iyengar. It basically revolved the polynomial time elliptic curve technique to use in better prospectus for encryption which could be used in better aspects of internet security.

A crazy freak of Robotics, Luke Taylor from South Africa brought up a mechanism with the help of advanced programming languages and full help of graphics. He drives a way to give robotic instructions in simple English language. He brought up an algorithm and translated them in to computer code. The best part was simple instructions were easily translated and worked on.

These projects are thereby judged by the professionals from the domains of aerospace engineers, great physics professionals, chemical engineers, explorers by national geographic society.

The fair is just the start, here what is compiled is the right balance of discovery, optimized with endless features and posted with perfect amount of technology. The perfect glance of the participants reveals next trends in the technology.

The discoveries held at the fair, bring to the nations a perfect approach of new inventions and technology. With the advent of security issues, it is likely that the approach to protect the huge amount of data centres and large amount of online data, we need to have secure encryption algorithms. The next step after the software is brought up is their protection whether it is online or it is offline. The content need protection. For the continuation to bring automation systems and uplifting more intellect into robotics, an in depth approach is always welcomed at the shore. The discussion from the robotics can be used to bring more supervised robots into world, with a more refined approach of the work. Such robots are helping in diagnosing more diseases and good military out products. The next step to protect the world from natural issues and the next discoveries with the eco friendly products and early recovery from fatal diseases; let us hold more into the world than ever.

This trend is going to bring a revolution in the world. A revolution with combination of intellect, technology and skill.

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