Ideal Facebook Tools for Growing Your Business

Nowadays there are many ways to promote a business; one of them is using the social media online. And when we talk about social media websites the first name come into our mind is Facebook. So, we came up with some of the ideal Ideal Facebook Tools for Growing Your Business online. There are many Facebook tools that will help you in one way or the other to promote your business online.
Faecbook-Ideal Facebook Tools for Growing Your Business

These are inbuilt tools that Facebook offers to business pages and advertisers. These tools will help to increase the traffic on your business page on Facebook. Below you will find some best tools that will help you to promote your business online.

  1. Agora pulse
    agora pulse-Ideal Facebook Tools for Growing Your Business

This tool works for Facebook and Twitter. This will show your every activity on your Facebook page and lets you manage and schedule posts and begin campaigning. There are various options for your marketing campaign like you can choose, photo contest, discount coupons, fan vote, personality test and quiz. You can post the more detailed information on your page.

Price free trials for limited period/ $29 per month

  1. Heyo

Heyo can easily create marketing campaigns for Facebook and the best thing is that its campaigns are mobile optimized. It can arrange contests, deals and promotions. It will intelligently help you to increase traffic on your Facebook page. Heyo designs group promotions and offers so this way it can get a group attention with a single click rather than contacting each individual client.

  1. Edgerankchecker
    Edgerankchecker-Ideal Facebook Tools for Growing Your Business

This tool is managed by social bakers. It offers a complete view and analysis of a Facebook page by some charts and graphs. These charts and graphs represent specific score for each factor and medium of marketing. The site also offers you to check as which day you can gain more audience and traffic to your page and if you want to head into more detail it will also issue you the time on which you can grab more attention for producing. It is issued recommendation in a very easy language.

Some of the most popular graphs and charts are monocle & real time post analysis, post grading, online audience analysis and negative feedback reports.

  1. Shortstack
    ShortStack-Ideal Facebook Tools for Growing Your Business

Shortstack allows you to run contests and promotions from Facebook. The action gate feature allows its users to have the names, address and email address of visitors of the Facebook page. And that data you can use further to promote yourself. It’s all campaigns are mobile ready so it’s not a problem whether you see it on mobile or desktop. You can design and promote your campaigns live within few minutes.

  1. Wolfram alpha
    Wolfram alpha-Ideal Facebook Tools for Growing Your Business

The site claims to be the world’s first and the only computational knowledge engine. The site uses an extensive research for its marketing and promotional schemes it provides you information as where in the world are your friends? Your network’s global reach, how popular are your friends? What you they talk about on Facebook. And offers some charts to show you when do they use Facebook? Distribution of reported ages? It also shows the gender split, relationship status pie charts and network map.

  1. Post planner
    Post Planner-Ideal Facebook Tools for Growing Your Business

Post planner claims to triple your engagement on Facebook page. Means triple your likes, shares & clicks. Post planner makes your work easier with its excellent features. You it will find the photos for you that can bring more likes and more traffic to your Facebook page. Post planner is a very easy to use tool. There are many ways to automate your posts with post planner like scheduling repeating post, auto posting blog feeds etc.

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