Most Popular Jobs That Didn’t Exist Five Years Ago

With globalization at its peak, the workplace in experiencing tectonic shifts with every passing seconds. While a batch of new opportunities are making their way in the employment market, another set of work opportunities abruptly suffer a setback and even cease to exist in the present scenario. So, today, when we have welcomed a New Year (2014), just a week ago, it would be really interesting to look back and see how much the work scenario is changed and how far the new inventions have created job opportunities, which did not even exist five years back. Let’s have a sneak peek on top three jobs, which we could not even think about just a few years back:

App Developer

Forget about five years, the concept of “app developer” was not popular about three years back until Apple put up its millions of Apps on sale through its AppStore and Android’s Google Pl ay. In 2011, Apple has reaped over $15 billion in revenues from mobile applications. With Apple, the world was introduced to a new concept (that Apple is not just a fruit, there’s something more to it) and we came to learn about programs which can work on mobile device while simultaneously run only on desktop computers. With the massive surge of apps to run on iOS, there has been a significant dearth of the required talent and expertise. The existing workforce, being unable to accommodate this increasing demand, fresh opportunities crop up , thus embarking on a booming market for the app developers. At present, there are about 18000 jobs listed in the leading job sites on this profile.

Data Miner

Since real time communication and user-friendly retail experience becomes the rule of the day, customer information has become extremely vital. To keep up with this growing trend, compiling data in droves has garnered much significance. But companies have now focused on hiring experts for this job, who can form structured (transaction), semi-structured (user behavior) and unstructured (text) information from extensisve datasheets. Packaged as a “data analyst” and “scientists”, they examine behavioral patterns of the users and accordingly predict busisness strategies to reap more profits from the market.

Social Media Manager

Perhaps there’s nothing more sensational than social media in the 21st century. With the passage of time, social networks has gone beyond “social” and serves as one of the integral part of businesses. As a promotional platform, there’s nothing more reliable than this. A low-cost, yet a steadfast way to get connected with prospects, social networks are being used by everyone, right from small-town coffee shops to big brands like Amazon and Microsoft. Offering real-time experience as well as communication, the marketing strategy in these sites is way different from the popular strategies used so far. Quite obviously, companies employ social media managers in their marketing and advertising departments, to establish a real-time communication with their customers. Presently, the leading job sites have 11000 jobs on this profile.However, the profile is not really technical and hence a lot of non-technical folks are taking part in it. They are really becomming excellent marketing strategists that can help orgaanizations to leverage their social audiuences through targeted marketing in Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter.

However, the list will certinly go long with every passing days. With the growing prospects in the academic and professional panorama, there will never be the dearth of rewarding opportunities in the coming years. But, till then stay tuned and learn more about these rewarding career opportunities.

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