YouTube, a very popular name all along the world as eight out of ten people in the world surf this site purpose for surfing may be different. It is may be to watch there favourite songs or to watch video tutorials. It is basically related to watch videos may be its songs, may be any tutorial or something. You must have watch a number of videos available on YouTube but one at a time. But you can watch a number of videos of YouTube simultaneously at a single time. There are a number of websites that provides tools to watch multiple videos at a single time.
1. You3b
You3b is an amazing place where you can watch three YouTube videos simultaneously that may help you in creating something innovative. Producers of You3b have planned to further extend and add more functionality to the site to give you a better experience of watching videos.
2. PsykoTube
PsykoTube is a site developed by PsykoSoft, being known for there creative innovative and craziest stuff PsykoTube is one of their craziest site where you can search YouTube videos all at once on a single place. You will definitely like the innovative work by the developers.
3. YouFlow
YouFlow is a place where you can watch imageflow of the concern videos you have searched in the search box given. The video you want to watch just click on it and you can watch it onto a pop-up box right there onto your screen.
YouTube Doubler allows you to watch two videos simultaneously of your choice. What makes it different it from the above options is that you can also provide the time from which video must start. Just fill up your video links and click on the “Douple up” button provided on the page.
5. SwigView
SwigView allows you to watch multiple YouTube Videos Simultaneously, all you have to do is just fill in the YouTube videos links you want to watch and you can select the size of the videos too – Small, Medium and Large.